
Seeds of the Second Renaissance

A curated monthly newsletter of ideas and events in the Second Renaissance ecosystem


Buckle up as you are on the cusp of a bumpy journey. Embark on this ride as we surf the turbulent tides of change turning the world on its head.

Ready Set Go!



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Grab your ticket to the future. Sign up for the life-changing plunge into the Second Renaissance.

Grab your ticket to the future. Sign up for the life-changing plunge into the Second Renaissance.


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Imagine a world where the old crumbles to make way for the new, like phoenix rising from the ashes. It gets intense, intriguing and breath-taking.

Continue Exploring

Join the quest. Register today for the first issue launching in February 2025.

Join the quest. Register today for the first issue launching in February 2025.

Join the quest. Register today for the first issue launching in February 2025.

Join the quest. Register today for the first issue launching in February 2025.

The future is now!

Experience the flurry of intriguing ideas and discussions, be a crucial part of it.

Peel back the layers of the present to gain insights into the crisis and the transformation in the offing.

Join us as we unpack the terms - Teal, GameB, Liminal Web, and much more that define this ecosystem.





What is the Second Renaissance?

Nothing short of a rebirth! A period of intense crisis and potential resurgence, leading to a regeneration.

Interested, but what’s in it for me?

You get monthly digests with fresh, curated content and join an engaging community of likeminded individuals.

How much does it cost?

The cost of your time and attention, invest it well. It's free!

2025 Life Itself & collaborators

Generated on: Monday, January 27, 2025